Dec 27, 2008
A potato is a starchy edible tuber native to South America and cultivated all over the world. Potatoes have been domesticated for over 10,000 years, and over one thousand varieties are known, although only a fraction of this number are cultivated commercially.
Vitamins A and C can be found in abundance in the potato, along with some other vitamins and minerals.The tubers are prepared in a number of ways, but are always eaten cooked. Fried potato products such as French fries and potato cakes are popular in many parts of the world, but potatoes are also baked, roasted, boiled, and stewed.
Here are some tips that will help you in reducing the loss of potato nutrients:
1. Avoid peeling the potatoes before cooking them. The outer shell provides a good protection against nutritional loss during the cooking process. The protein and mineral content beneath the skin is very high and if you cook the potatoes after peeling them, most of these proteins and minerals are lost.
2. When you boil potatoes, first heat the water to its boiling point and then add potatoes. This will reduce the cooking time and help you maintain Vitamin C content.
3. Minimize frying as 75% of Vitamin C is lost during frying. You can use other cooking methods such as baking and steaming. On a different note, have you ever tried barbecue roasted potatoes?
Potato With Kotimeera Karam
Ingredients :
Potatoes 6
Green chillies 5
Coriander chopped 1 cup
Salt to taste
Pasupu pinch
Oil 2 tbsp
Method :
Boil potato, peel them, and cut the in cubes.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the boiled potato cubes and fry.
Then add the grinded paste of coriander and green chilli.
And fry for 5 minutes and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice or chapattis.
Potatoes 6
Green chillies 5
Coriander chopped 1 cup
Salt to taste
Pasupu pinch
Oil 2 tbsp
Method :
Boil potato, peel them, and cut the in cubes.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the boiled potato cubes and fry.
Then add the grinded paste of coriander and green chilli.
And fry for 5 minutes and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice or chapattis.
Potato Ulli Karam
Ingredients :
Potatoes 6
Onion paste 1 cup
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder 2 spoons
Pasupu pinch
Oil 2 tbsp
Method :
Boil potato, peel them, and cut the in cubes.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the boiled potato cubes and fry.
After the potato fries keep them aside.
Then again oil to the pan and fry the onion paste.
After the paste fries add salt and chilli powder and mix well.
Then add the boiled and fried potato cubes.
And fry for 5 minutes and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice or chapattis.
Potatoes 6
Onion paste 1 cup
Salt to taste
Red chilli powder 2 spoons
Pasupu pinch
Oil 2 tbsp
Method :
Boil potato, peel them, and cut the in cubes.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the boiled potato cubes and fry.
After the potato fries keep them aside.
Then again oil to the pan and fry the onion paste.
After the paste fries add salt and chilli powder and mix well.
Then add the boiled and fried potato cubes.
And fry for 5 minutes and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice or chapattis.
Potato Upma Kura
Ingredients :
Potatoes 6
Lemon 1
Salt to taste
Pasupu pinch
Poppu :
Mustard ¼ th spoon
Mina pappu ½ spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chilli 2
Hingu pinch
Curry leaves little
Oil 1 spoon
Boil potato, peel them, and smash themand keep it aside.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the poppu ingredients and fry.
Then add the boiled and smashed potatoes with salt and pasupu.
Smash and mix well.
Then add the juice of the lemon and mix well and remove from the heat.
Serve with hot rice.
Potato Fry
Ingredients :
Potato pieces 2 cups
Oil 2 spoons
Salt to taste
1 table spoon menti gunda
Curry leaves little
Method :
Take a pan and heat the oil.
Add the pieces of potato to the oil with salt.
Putting the lid on the pan fry the pieces till they cook and become soft.
After it fries add menti gunda and curry leaves and mix well.
Goes well with hot rice.
Dondakai ( Tindora )
Tindora is a type of gherkin, which is also known as Kundru in U.P. Dondakai in Telugu, Tondekayi in Kannada, Telakuch in Bengali, and Kovakai in Malayalam.It is not the tastiest of dishes and is considered to be a distant cousin of the Parwal. In fact the Tindora Zhunka was one of the better tindora dishes I ever had.Well, the point of the post was that Kundru or the Tindora can help reduce blood sugar. Tindora is a good food for diabetics to eat, because it has very little carbohydrate and therefore will not raise your blood sugar dramatically, like potatoes for example.
Dondakai Ulli Karam
Ingredients :
dondakai small ones 2 cups.
Onion paste 1 cup
Chilli powder 1 spoon
Salt to taste
Oil 3 spoons
Mehtod :
Slit the dondakai ¾ th of it length wise.
Take a pan fry add oil and heat it.
Add onion paste and fry for 5 minutes till it leaves the oil.
Add salt to taste, chilli powder, and pasupu pinch.
Mix the onion paste and stuff the paste in the dondakai.
Fry these stuffed dondakai in the oil for 15-20 minutes till it becomes soft.
Serve it with hot rice.
Dondakai With Coconut
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped dondakai
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the dondakai in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled dondakai and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
Dondakai Jeelakara Karam
Ingredients :
Dondakai small ones 2 cups.
Jeelakara karam 2 spoons
Salt to taste
Oil 3 spoons
Mehtod :
Slit the dondakai ¾ th of it length wise.
Then boil them in the cooker and drain the water.
Take a pan fry add oil and heat it.
Add the boiled dondakai and fry for 15 minutes till they become cryspy.
Add salt to taste and jeelakara karam powder.
Fry them in the oil for 5 minutes till it mixes well.
Serve it with hot rice.
Dondakai small ones 2 cups.
Jeelakara karam 2 spoons
Salt to taste
Oil 3 spoons
Mehtod :
Slit the dondakai ¾ th of it length wise.
Then boil them in the cooker and drain the water.
Take a pan fry add oil and heat it.
Add the boiled dondakai and fry for 15 minutes till they become cryspy.
Add salt to taste and jeelakara karam powder.
Fry them in the oil for 5 minutes till it mixes well.
Serve it with hot rice.
Dondakai Fry
Ingredients :
Dondakai pieces 2 cups
Oil 2 spoons
Salt to taste
1 table spoon menti gunda
Curry leaves little
Method :
Take a pan and heat the oil.
Add the pieces of dondakai to the oil with salt.
Putting the lid on the pan fry the pieces till they cook and become soft.
After it fries add menti gunda and curry leaves and mix well.
Goes well with hot rice.
Chamadumpa Fry
Ingredients :
Boiled and peeled chamadumpa 3 cups
Oil 2 tbsp
Menti gunda 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Method :
Take a non sticky pan and put some oil to heat.
Add the bolied chamadumpa and fry till the color changes to golden brown.
While frying if it becomes sticky add some more oil and fry.
Then add salt and menti gunda and mix well and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice and sambar.
Carrots are low in fat and calories and high in fiber, making them a great snack with staying power. They are high in vitamin A and low in sodium and have no cholesterol.
Vitamins & Minerals
Carrots are an extremely good source of vitamin A. One serving contains 20,380 IUs, or 408 percent of the FDA's recommended daily value. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyes, intestinal and urinary tracts, and mucous membranes. Carrots are also high in vitamins C and K, and potassium.
One serving of carrots---about one cup of carrot sticks---supplies 50 calories. Carrots contain very few calories for their bulk, so they make a great snack between meals.
Carror With Coconut
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped carrot
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the carrot in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled carrot and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
2 cups chopped carrot
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the carrot in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled carrot and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
Carrot Fry With Onion
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped carrot
Oil 2 spoons
Chilli powder 1 spoon
1 cup onion chopped
1 spoon jeelakara
Salt to taste
Method :
Take a pan and put some oil to heat.
Then add the chopped cabbage and fry until they become soft.
Add onion and jeelakara fry for 5 minutes.
After it fries add salt to tatse and chilli powder.
Serve it with hot rice.
2 cups chopped carrot
Oil 2 spoons
Chilli powder 1 spoon
1 cup onion chopped
1 spoon jeelakara
Salt to taste
Method :
Take a pan and put some oil to heat.
Then add the chopped cabbage and fry until they become soft.
Add onion and jeelakara fry for 5 minutes.
After it fries add salt to tatse and chilli powder.
Serve it with hot rice.
Cabbage With Nuvulu Podi
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped cabbage
Salt to taste
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
2 spoons nuvulu podi
Method :
Boil the cabbage in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled cabbage and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add nuvulu podi.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
2 cups chopped cabbage
Salt to taste
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
2 spoons nuvulu podi
Method :
Boil the cabbage in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled cabbage and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add nuvulu podi.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
Cabbage With Green Peas and Carrot
Ingredients :
Chopped cabbage 1 cup
Carrot pieces ½ cup
Beans pieces ½ cup
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape 1 cup
Poppu :
Mustard ¼ th spoon
Mina pappu ½ spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chilli 2
Hingu pinch
Curry leaves little
Oil 1 spoon
Method :
Boil all the vegetables drain water and keep it aside.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the poppu ingredients and fry.
Then add the boiled vegetables with salt.
After the water evaporate add the coconut scrape and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice.
Note : Instead of coconut scrape you can add ginger and green chilli paste.
Chopped cabbage 1 cup
Carrot pieces ½ cup
Beans pieces ½ cup
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape 1 cup
Poppu :
Mustard ¼ th spoon
Mina pappu ½ spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chilli 2
Hingu pinch
Curry leaves little
Oil 1 spoon
Method :
Boil all the vegetables drain water and keep it aside.
Take a pan put some oil.
After the oil heats add the poppu ingredients and fry.
Then add the boiled vegetables with salt.
After the water evaporate add the coconut scrape and remove from the fire.
Serve with hot rice.
Note : Instead of coconut scrape you can add ginger and green chilli paste.
Cabbage Fry With Onion
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped cabbage
Oil 2 spoons
Chilli powder 1 spoon
1 cup chopped onion
1 spoon jeelakara
Salt to taste
Method :
Take a pan and put some oil to heat.
Then add the chopped cabbage and fry until they become soft.
Add onion and jeelakara fry for 5 minutes.
After it fries add salt to tatse and chilli powder.
Serve it with hot rice.
2 cups chopped cabbage
Oil 2 spoons
Chilli powder 1 spoon
1 cup chopped onion
1 spoon jeelakara
Salt to taste
Method :
Take a pan and put some oil to heat.
Then add the chopped cabbage and fry until they become soft.
Add onion and jeelakara fry for 5 minutes.
After it fries add salt to tatse and chilli powder.
Serve it with hot rice.
Cabbage Pappu Kura
Ingredients :
Cabbage chopped 2 cups
Pesara pappu ½ cup
Salt to taste
Turmeric pinch
Poppu :
Mustard ¼ spoon
Minapappu ½ spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chilli 2
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves little
Hingu little
Method :
Boil cabbage pieces and dal in the cooker sprinkling little water on it.
After boiling drain the water from it and keep aside.
Take a pan put some oil and fry all the poppu ingredients.
Then add the boiled cabbage with pappu, salt and little turmeric.
Fry till the water it becomes dry.
This curry goes well with sweet pulusu and fried perugu mirapakayalu
Cabbage chopped 2 cups
Pesara pappu ½ cup
Salt to taste
Turmeric pinch
Poppu :
Mustard ¼ spoon
Minapappu ½ spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chilli 2
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves little
Hingu little
Method :
Boil cabbage pieces and dal in the cooker sprinkling little water on it.
After boiling drain the water from it and keep aside.
Take a pan put some oil and fry all the poppu ingredients.
Then add the boiled cabbage with pappu, salt and little turmeric.
Fry till the water it becomes dry.
This curry goes well with sweet pulusu and fried perugu mirapakayalu
Cabbage With Coconut
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped cabbage
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the cabbage in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled cabbage and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
2 cups chopped cabbage
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the cabbage in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled cabbage and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
French Beans with nuvulu podi
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped beans.
Salt to taste
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
2 spoons nuvulu podi
Method :
Boil the beans in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled beans and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add nuvulu podi.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
2 cups chopped beans.
Salt to taste
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
2 spoons nuvulu podi
Method :
Boil the beans in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled beans and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add nuvulu podi.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
French Beans With coconut
Ingredients :
2 cups chopped beans.
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the beans in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled beans and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
2 cups chopped beans.
Salt to taste
Coconut scrape ¼ th cup
Popu :
Mustard ½ spoon
Jeelakara ¼ th spoon
Senaga pappu ½ spoon
Red chill piece 1 spoon
Hingu pinch
Oil 1 spoon
Curry leaves few
Method :
Boil the beans in the cooker and strain the water.
Take a pan add oil to heat.
Add the popu ingredients and fry till 1 minute.
Then add the boiled beans and salt to the pan.
After the water evaporates add coconut scrape.
Serve the curry with hot rice.
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